منتدى الشاعر حسن محمد نجيب صهيوني

نرحب بجميع زوار هذا المنتدى ونأمل أن يطيب لكم البقاء ويحدونا الفخر بانضمامكم لأسرتنا

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتدى الشاعر حسن محمد نجيب صهيوني

نرحب بجميع زوار هذا المنتدى ونأمل أن يطيب لكم البقاء ويحدونا الفخر بانضمامكم لأسرتنا

منتدى الشاعر حسن محمد نجيب صهيوني

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى الشاعر حسن محمد نجيب صهيوني

ملتقى أدبي يهتم بفنون الأدب العربي من شعر قديم ومعاصر ويحوي عدداً من التراجم والسير الأدبية والمقالات والقصص والروايات

بعد التحية على الزوار الراغبين بالإنضمام لهذا المنتدى التسجيل بأسمائهم الحقيقية أو ألقابهم أو أي اسم أدبي يليق بالمنتدى بعيداً عن أي أسماء تخل بسمعة المنتدى وتسيء إليه، وسوف تقوم إدارة المنتدى بالرقابة على الأسماء غير اللائقة أدبياً ثم حجبها ..... إدارة المنتدى

المواضيع الأخيرة

» ملحمة شعرية مهداة الى الشاعرة عائشة الفزاري / د. لطفي الياسيني
قصيدة أجنبية بعنوان (Cube) للشاعر العربي مايد القاسمي  Emptyالجمعة يونيو 28, 2019 8:55 am من طرف الشاعر لطفي الياسيني

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التبادل الاعلاني

2 مشترك

    قصيدة أجنبية بعنوان (Cube) للشاعر العربي مايد القاسمي

    محمد فياض

    عدد المساهمات : 52
    نقاط : 25825
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    تاريخ التسجيل : 20/04/2010

    قصيدة أجنبية بعنوان (Cube) للشاعر العربي مايد القاسمي  Empty رد: قصيدة أجنبية بعنوان (Cube) للشاعر العربي مايد القاسمي

    مُساهمة من طرف محمد فياض السبت مارس 12, 2011 8:42 am

    شكرا د. بسام على هذه النظم الغربي الجميل
    وسأقوم بترجمتها لأعضاء المنتدى قريباً بإذن الله

    شكرا جزيلا لك

    محمد فياض
    د. بسام التلهوني

    عدد المساهمات : 90
    نقاط : 25964
    السٌّمعَة : 0
    تاريخ التسجيل : 11/04/2010

    قصيدة أجنبية بعنوان (Cube) للشاعر العربي مايد القاسمي  Empty قصيدة أجنبية بعنوان (Cube) للشاعر العربي مايد القاسمي

    مُساهمة من طرف د. بسام التلهوني الأربعاء مارس 09, 2011 10:18 am

    Once upon a much slower time
    There was a Kingdom ruled by one
    A man that cared and was so kind
    To all his subjects, his kinsmen

    He loved his people very much
    He served and bled, the ideal son
    This northern land, this green and blue
    His vision made it an Eden

    One quiet day he took a stroll
    Far up a hill and past a stream
    Where to his eyes he saw a lake
    That he once saw in a far dream

    Beyond the lake he found a tree
    With leaves of gold, yellow and cream
    He walked with one hand on his heart
    Towards the tree that sang agleam

    With outreached arms he touched a branch
    And felt it shake with drops of rain
    But when he looked upon the sky
    There were no clouds in this domain

    He understood what that tree saw
    In that moment all was inane
    As he was jolted back to Earth
    The moons had come and he felt pain

    Stumbling aside he saw a bird
    His heart still aching from his trip
    He took some seeds from his pocket
    To feed the sad bird with a skip

    It just stood there beside the tree
    Not knowing what was in the scrip
    But when he poured the seeds from it
    The bird, now happy, did a flip

    With curious and most grateful eyes
    It pecked some seeds and flew away
    He watched as it landed nearby
    On a smaller tree with a sway

    From this short distance he could hear
    The birds' twitter, "Thank you" they say
    And so with an accomplished heart
    He sat down, on his back he lay

    Slowly he fell asleep and dreamt
    Of green waterfalls and blue waves
    But suddenly without a sign
    Darkness came to make of them graves

    He shook his head and wiped the tears
    He feared his people turned to slaves
    By the cold lake he silently
    Washed his face and thought of his staves

    Which one to use? Which one he'll raise?
    The staff of hope or staff of love
    The staff of war or staff of peace
    The staff that always glows above

    He made his way through silent trees
    Of only them he could think of
    His people were to face evil
    That fit a man just like a glove

    The omen he saw at the tree
    Told of a time of misery
    A time where justice is a myth
    An atmosphere that is sickly

    The architect of such a plan
    An Ose that craves what is filthy
    A creepy face so full of puss
    Its mouth speaks words made blistery

    A hound from Hell shall rule with hate
    Its Kingdom shall fall into debt
    A debt that cripples innocence
    To humankind it is a threat

    This hound shall kill and rape the dead
    Devouring all that it can get
    The Ose shall laugh at such a state
    The hound from Hell, a rabid pet

    Our hero reached his Kingdom walls
    To find that fire raged inside
    He found the street with crumpled lumps
    The little children dead, he cried

    In all this darkness he saw light
    When from the skies a bird did glide
    Towards the gate he heard a noise
    It was the light that he had spied

    It moved across and shone so bright
    A lady lying on the sand
    He took his cape and wrapped her up
    She smiled and kissed him on his hand

    "I am the bird you saved today..."
    She said whilst coming to a stand
    She had come here to warm his heart
    To take him back to the woodland

    He went with her to Golden Tree
    For several years he was to wait
    To learn how to defeat evil
    He had to learn how not to hate

    The lady kept him safe from them
    The evil hound and its sick mate
    He will return and save his home
    For after all it is his fate

    Golden Tree drops the sweetest fruit
    Antiquity from this Jujube
    Sorry to say but this concludes
    The first part of the story "Cube"

    thank you
    Dr. Bassam

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد مايو 19, 2024 10:54 am